Dismissal Procedures

Early Dismissal & Transportation Changes

Early Dismissal and Transportation Changes Due to end of the day transitions, there is no early checkout after 2:30pm. Additionally any changes to your student's transportation should be communicated to the school before 2:30 p.m.

Student safety is a priority at Sabal Point Elementary. Procedures and policies are put into effect to help make sure that all students are safe and focused on learning. We need every parent to be aware of these procedures and follow them. Listed below are reminders about some of the important policies and procedures.

Parent Walker Pick-up:

  • If you do not live within walking distance of the school, then you should utilize the car rider line and not the parent walker line. There is not adequate space for parking your vehicle to walk and pick-up your child.

  • After the first day of school, you MUST have the school-issued parent pick-up tag in order to pick your child up through BOTH the car rider line (blue tag) and the parent pick-up line (Green tag for K and 1st Only). If you do not have the pick-up tag, you will be directed to pick up your child in the office using your ID. There are NO EXCEPTIONS to this rule, as it is a safety measure put in place to protect your children.

Car Riders:

  • Parents must stay in their car and in line. Parents may not park in the lot and walk across to get their child unless approved by the administration. Teachers will not dismiss students from the car line unless the parent is in their vehicle. This delays loading and picking up other students and is not safe.

  • Parents MUST have the designated "blue" car tag visible at ALL TIMES. Cars without the car tag will have to park and go into the front office to be cleared before taking their child.

    • To identify whom you are picking up, place the car tag in the front windshield of your car. Leave it in place until your child is safely in the car. This helps the adults load the correct child in the car.

    • Write the grade level of the child(ren) you are picking up on the tag.

    • Write the FIRST AND LAST NAME of the child(ren) you are picking up on the tag.

    • Print large and clear with a BLACK marker.

    • Your child will be waiting at a numbered cone or by a Safety Patrol student.

    • Students should get in quickly and be seated. Please teach your child to quickly secure the seatbelt so that you can pull forward and keep the line moving.

    • Students should be able to get in on the side by the sidewalk. We do not allow students to cross over traffic to get in on the opposite side.

    • Once your child is in the car, you may pull around to the other lane and safely exit the drop off area

  • If you are in need of additional BLUE CAR TAGS please request one in the front office or via a note to your child's teacher. It is highly recommended that every parent have one, even if car line is not your regular dismissal, in the event you should need to utilize the car line.

  • Parents, remember that the staff on the car line may get to know you, your car, and not need to see the car tag, however at times other people have to step in and cover that duty and they may not know you or your car. We want you to know that your child's safety is our top priority and though we hate to inconvenience you, our policies are for the benefit of the kids.

We will be able to make this process a success by working together. Please help us model responsibility, respect, and speaking positively during daily arrival and dismissal routines.

Thank you for your support in this effort to ensure a safe school environment for all of our students.

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